Whats New

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These are the highlights of some of the major new features in RootsMagic 8:

What's New in RootsMagic 8
General Features
Complete rewrite to work with the latest genealogical technologies and create a foundation for future functionality
Runs under Windows 7 (SP1+), Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 (future)
Native MacOS support
Run RootsMagic directly from a flash drive on Windows, Mac, or both
Open databases in separate windows to support multiple monitors
Easily switch between open databases with a single keystroke
Ease of Use
Command Palette displays an alphabetical list of commands which you can select from to run directly
Home page dashboard (news, files properties, recent files, etc)
Couple view
Expand and collapse generations on descendant view
Easily switch between different data views (sources, places, tasks, media, etc) without losing your place in those views
Open multiple edit person screens at same time
Edit screens can remain open while you switch back to the main program to do other things
View immediate family members directly from a person's edit screen (timeline)
Switch directly to the edit screen of any family member and then instantly switch back
Access other data lists (sources, places, tasks, media, etc) w/o having to close Edit Person screen(s) first
Live edit for other data types: sources, citations, places, tasks, media, addresses, and more
Live hyperlinks inside notes
Create custom Father and Mother labels.
Basic, Advanced, WebSearch, Find Everywhere grouped together in an easy to find
Search displays list of matching records (rather than making you step through matches)
Edit or jump to any person in the search results, then return without having to redo the search
Printing and Reports
New report and charting engine
Fan charts
Save wall charts to PDF
Save reports directly to .DOCX, .XLSX, and other formats
Photos on Pedigree view and Family view individuals
Sources and Citations
Reusable citations let you create a citation once and then attach it to multiple people or events
View uses of sources / citations directly from source / citation list
Create tasks to track things to do, completed research, etc
Track dates, goals, results, priority, status, and more
Any task can be attached to multiple people
Tasks can be attached directly to source or citation records
Tasks can be attached to multiple media, addresses, or repositories
Tasks can be filtered by any combination of data, people, families, events, places, place details, names, sources, citations, addresses, repositories, media, or folders
Quickly filter tasks by repository, address, media, source, citation, place, or person
Places and Mapping
Reversible place list
View where a place is used directly on screen
Directly edit a person using a place in place list or mapping
Map any group of people (not limited to immediate family anymore)
More colors for color coding
Quickly view, add or remove people from multiple groups at once
Relative media paths
Slide in workflow