FAQ Support Questions

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How do I open my RootsMagic 7 database or backup in RootsMagic 8

RootsMagic 8 has a different file format and extension for database (.rmtree) and backup (.rmbackup) files. The RootsMagic 7 database (.rmgc) cannot be opened inside RootsMagic 8. The RootsMagic 7 database (.rmgc) file needs to be imported into RootsMagic 8 by creating a new file. The new database will then have the correct (.rmtree) file extension.

The RootsMagic 7 backup (.rmgb) needs to be restored inside of RootsMagic 8 by going to Files, Restore from backup. During the restore process it will create a new (.rmtree) file and leave the RootsMagic 7 backup file intact.

(See Creating a New Database for additional steps)

Ancestry unable to login

On December 4, 2023 we released a blog article and email announcing Ancestry and FamilySearch's plans to turn off the old login procedures used in RootsMagic 7 & RootsMagic 8. Only RootsMagic 9.1 that uses the new OAuth technology that supports two-step verification would continue to work at that point. You can read more about it here - http://blog.rootsmagic.com/?p=3703

Ancestry officially disabled the old login method used by RootsMagic 8 on December 11, 2023.

FamilySearch unable to login

On December 4, 2023 we released a blog article and email announcing Ancestry and FamilySearch's plans to turn off the old login procedures used in RootsMagic 7 & RootsMagic 8. Only RootsMagic 9.1 that uses the new OAuth technology that supports two-step verification would continue to work at that point. You can read more about it here - http://blog.rootsmagic.com/?p=3703

FamilySearch officially disabled the old login method used by RootsMagic 8 on May 3, 2024

FamilySearch not accepting changes

When making changes the FamilySearch Person Tool may look like nothing happened. It just means RootsMagic refreshed before FamilySearch could send the changes. In that case click on the refresh button to reload both panels and display the updates made. The refresh button is located near the top of the Share Data tab, next to the UnMatch button.

Clearing the Registration key

The RootsMagic registration key can be cleared by opening RootsMagic in a main view and using the key combo Ctrl+Shift+U, selecting "Reset Registration Information", then closing the program to clear it. If you receive a message that prevents you from opening RootsMagic... You can manually clear the registration key by deleting the RootsMagicApp.xml file.

The RootsMagicApp.xml is located here.

Windows: C:\ProgramData\RootsMagic\Version 8\RootsMagicApp.xml

Mac: Public/RootsMagic/Version 8/RootsMagicApp.xml

The next time RootsMagic is opened you can select to run in Essential mode, purchase RootsMagic, or Unlock RootsMagic 8 with a registration key.

Has the RootsMagic App for iOS devices been updated

The RootsMagic App has not been updated to accept the RootsMagic 8 database (.rmtree) file. Instead we have created an export option inside RootsMagic 8 that will send the database with the correct (.rmgc) file extension for the RootsMagic App. Go to File, Export Data, Dropbox to upload the file to Dropbox which then can be downloaded by the RootsMagic mobile app for iOS devices.

Will Personal Historian and Family Atlas work with RootsMagic 8

The answer is YES! If you select the GEDCOM File import option in both programs. Inside of RootsMagic 8 go to File, Export Data, GEDCOM to create the file needed to import into Personal Historian and Family Atlas.