Editing a Source

From RootsMagic Wiki
Revision as of 05:13, 28 August 2021 by Renee (talk | contribs)
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Navigation: RootsMagic 8 > Working With Sources >

To edit a source:

  1. Select the Sources page
  2. Make sure the source list is selected
  3. Highlight the source you want to edit

RootsMagic will display the Edit Source panel on the right side of the page.

Editing a source

From this panel you can:

  1. Edit the source name, which is what RootsMagic displays in the source list.
  2. Edit the fields for the source. As you edit these field, RootsMagic will display the formatted footnote, short footnote, and bibliography in the panel at the bottom.
  3. Edit the source text, which is text which is directly from the source itself
  4. Edit the source comment, which is your personal comments on the source
  5. Edit the source reference #, which is an optional reference number you can give to the source
  6. Click to open the Media list panel to see and edit all the media attached to the source
  7. Click to open the Repository list panel to see and edit all the repositories attached to the source
  8. Click to open the WebTags panel to see and edit all the WebTags attached to the source
  9. Click to open the Used panel to see all the people, families, and facts which use this source.
  10. Customize the footnote, short footnote, and bibliography.