Unlinking People

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Navigation: RootsMagic 8 > Working With People >

On occasion a person is added into the family tree, but later is discovered to be in the wrong place. To remove them from their current family so you can link them in the proper family, you would unlink the person from their present family. There are three options available:

  • Unlink from a spouse
  • Unlink from a parents
  • Unlink family members

You may have to run both of these commands to unlink the person from the current family.

Unlinking from a spouse

To unlink a person from a spouse:

  1. Highlight the person you want to unlink from his or her spouse. Make sure the spouse from which you want to unlink is displayed. Then do one of the following:
    • Click the Edit button (pencil) and select "Unlink from spouse'
    • Click right mouse button, select Unlink, then Unlink from spouse

The Unlink from Spouse dialog will appear with the person highlighted in the context of the family.

  1. You will be asked to confirm that you want to unlink the person as a parent in the family. Select "Unlink from Spouse" to unlink the person, or "Cancel" to cancel.

Unlinking from parents

To unlink a person from his or her parents and siblings:

  1. Highlight the person you want to unlink from his or her parents. Make sure the parents from which you want to unlink are displayed.
  2. Choose "Edit, Unlink, from Parents" from the main menu, or "Unlink, from Parents" from the pop-up menu that appears when you right click the mouse. The Unlink from Parents dialog will appear with the person highlighted in the context of the family unit.
  3. You will be asked to confirm that you want to unlink the person as a child in the family. Select "Unlink from Parents" to unlink the person, or "Cancel" to cancel.

Unlinking from family members

To unlink a person from his or her family members:

  1. Highlight the person you want to unlink from his or her parents. Make sure the parents from which you want to unlink are displayed.
  2. Choose "Edit, Unlink, from Parents" from the main menu, or "Unlink, from Parents" from the pop-up menu that appears when you right click the mouse. The Unlink from Parents dialog will appear with the person highlighted in the context of the family unit.
  3. You will be asked to confirm that you want to unlink the person as a child in the family. Select "Unlink from Parents" to unlink the person, or "Cancel" to cancel.