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What is the Group code

Step 1. "Enter a Group Code (Optional)" is typically used to enter the student discount code received from a class instructor. RootsMagic previously arranged with the institution a discount for student purchases. This box is not to enter your previous version RootsMagic registration keys. For owners of previous versions of RootsMagic or Family Origins select under "Choose a license" the Upgrade option. This will apply the discount for previous version users.

The website declined my order

An order is often declined by banks for security reasons. In this case you will need to call the bank to let them know you are trying to place an order and request that they allow the order to go through.

RootsMagic has increased the security on our card processor. International customers will often receive an AVS error due to the added security. When this happens RootsMagic will decline the order on our end. If you are an international customer there are three ways that you can successfully purchase our products from us.

  1. If you have a PayPal account, you can choose to purchase using PayPal from our online store.
  2. If you do not have a PayPal account set up you can still check out using PayPal as a guest.
  3. Or you can use our secure website to send us your billing and order information and we will process the order for you. Here is the link to our secure website: https://secure.aitsafe.com/mbrd.php?usr=1233466

When using the secured website please click into the message box and include the following information: Your name Your billing address Your credit card number The expiration date on your credit card What you would like to order (RootsMagic 8 Download Only)

When you are finished enter your name and your email address into the two bottom fields. Then submit your order to us. Please give us up to two business days to complete your order. When your order has been completed we will send you three important emails with your registration keys and download instructions.

Where are my registration keys

All qualifying purchases from RootsMagic.com automatically sent out an email containing the RootsMagic 8 registration key along with the RootsMagic 7 key. Please follow these steps: Start by searching for an email with the subject line: RootsMagic 8 Registration Key. If you got the free RootsMagic 8 upgrade as part of our holiday special, search for an email with the subject: RootsMagic Holiday Offer Download Certificate.

Use our automated registration key recovery system at https://rootsmagic.com/recover-key. Enter the email address that you used to order (or register) the software and, within a few minutes, you should receive an email with your registration keys.

Payments made through PayPal will have the registration keys sent to the email address associated with the PayPal account.

If you still are unable to find your RootsMagic 8 key, please email orders@rootsmagic.com with your name, email address, and approximate order date.

Registration keys received at conferences

If you bought RootsMagic 7 from RootsMagic at an in-person conference in 2019 or early 2020: Anyone who bought RootsMagic 7 in-person at a conference in 2019 or 2020 received a card with their RootsMagic 8 registration key. Please follow these steps: Look for the CD package of RootsMagic 7 from the conference. The card with the RootsMagic 8 key was usually taped to the back of it by the person who sold you the software.

If you can't find the card, please email orders@rootsmagic.com. Please attach a copy of your receipt from the conference, if you have it.

Registration keys purchased through third parties

If you recently bought RootsMagic 7 UK Edition from S&N Genealogy:

All recent purchases of RootsMagic 7 UK Edition purchased directly from S&N Genealogy qualify for a free upgrade to RootsMagic 8. These purchases did not automatically send out the RootsMagic 8 keys and S&Ns will send the keys out now the RootsMagic 8 is officially released. Please be patient with them as they work through this process.

If you recently bought RootsMagic 7 from another source:

If you purchased RootsMagic 7 from another source (bookstore, online, etc.) at any time since January 1, 2021, we will happily give you a free upgrade to RootsMagic 8. Simply email orders@rootsmagic.com with a copy of your purchase receipt showing the date of purchase.