Color Coding People

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Revision as of 23:52, 14 September 2021 by Renee (talk | contribs)
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Navigation: RootsMagic 8 > Working With People >

The normal text color is black, and this is used on screen and in reports. Color coding lets you assign colors to the the names of people in your database so they are easily distinguished from others in the database. When you color code people in your file the color applies to all of the views, search list, and even many of the reports and charts.

To access Color coding, select the People page, click the Edit button (pencil) and choose "Color coding". From the People page you can also right click on a person and select "Color coding".

Color Coding Color Code Chart

You can set or clear the display color for any group of people.

  • Set color – Lets you choose the color to set for a group of people. You can select from 14 different colors.
  • Clear color – Lets you clear the color for any group of people
  • Clear all colors – Lets you clear (reset) the color for the entire database

You can perform these operations for:

  • Ancestors of the current person
  • Descendants of the current person. You can optionally choose to include spouses as well with the descendants.
  • People selected from a list. If you choose this option, RootsMagic will bring up the Select people screen for you to choose the individuals whose color you want to set.
  • Highlighted person.
  • Named group - Color code all the people in a group you have created.

Click OK to color code the people. If you specified the option to select people from the list, after you click OK the Select people dialog will open for you to choose the individuals whose color you want to set. Click Cancel to close the window making any changes.