Adding a Source

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Revision as of 20:51, 17 August 2021 by Bruce (talk | contribs)
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Navigation: RootsMagic 8 > Working With Sources >

The Citation Manager provides the commands to:

·add new citation,

·edit existing citations,

·copy a master source and add it multiple people,

·memorize an existing citation and add it to (paste) other people, families or facts

·delete a citation from a person, family or fact.

Add Source

To access the Citation Manager window for a person, spouse, a set of parents, or one of the facts


Open a person’s Edit Person window, and either

Highlight the person, a spouse, a set of parents, or one of the facts at the left, and click the "Sources" button in the right edit pane, or

Click the box in the "Sources" column to the right of the person, a spouse, a set of parents, or one of the facts


From one of the navigation views, highlight a person, then click the Sources icon in the toolbar, and select "Person" (for general sources), "Family" (for family sources) or "Source List" (to see the master source list)


Open the RootsMagic Explorer, highlight a person, then in the Individual Information pane click the box in the "Sources" column to the right of the person, a spouse, a set of parents, or one of the facts


Open the RootsMagic Explorer, highlight the person on the left, then, in the Individual Information pane, highlight the person, a spouse, a set of parents, or one of the facts, and click the down arrow (upper right corner) and select the "Sources" button from the drop down list.